Table Archives - Stilo experience XML in a whole new way | exceptional tools for structured content solutions Thu, 29 Apr 2021 15:43:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Table Archives - Stilo 32 32 p.table-title Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Syntax p.table-title Purpose The annotation p.table-title is used to create a title for the table if the title is in […]

The post p.table-title appeared first on Stilo.




The annotation p.table-title is used to create a title for the table if the title is in a table cell; if the title is outside of the table, you will need to use a different annotation to create the title. The annotation p.title.for-following-content would be a good choice, if the title is before the table. If the title is after the table, you can use the annotation p.shift-into-preceding-table along with p.table-title to get the title placed appropriately.

Example: Creating a table title

The following image shows you what a table with a title may look like in your original document.

Table with title in original document

This image shows you how to create a table title rule for the title of the table.

Rule for creating a table title

The following XML is what the code for the example table title could look like.

<table frame="all">
  <title>Availability of QuickTrace DLL for different operating systems</title>
  <tgroup cols="2">
    <colspec colname="C1" colwidth="1.861in"/>
    <colspec colname="C2" colwidth="1.569in"/>

The post p.table-title appeared first on Stilo.

]]> Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Syntax p.title.concept(level) p.title.glossary-group(level) p.title.reference(level) p.title.task(level) p.title.task-general(level) p.title.topic(level) p.title.troubleshooting(level) p.title.unknown-topic(level) p.title.custom-topic(elementname(level)) level the nesting depth of the topic, any integer […]

The post appeared first on Stilo.












the nesting depth of the topic, any integer


the name of the custom topic type


Migrate will construct a DITA map which pulls together all created topics in the order in which they appear in your document. Topics may be nested, giving rise to a hierarchical DITA map. The annotation’s argument indicates the how deeply nested a topic should be in the map.

These annotations are used to identify topic boundaries and topic types. They should be placed on content elements of type paragraph which are titles in your document. Migrate will start a new DITA topic at these points, and will use the text of the annotated content element as the topic title. Larger nesting level topics will be created inside those of smaller nesting levels.

Typically, sequential depths such as 1, 2, and 3 are used with the title annotations that take arguments. However, Migrate really only looks at the relative numbering. So you could choose depths such as -14, -12, -10. These might simply be the negated font sizes of the heading styles in your document. Because -12 is larger than -14, Migrate will nest topics at depth -12 inside of those at depth -14.

The annotation p.title.unknown-topic is used to indicate the start of a new topic, but does not indicate the topic type. The annotation can be used in cases where the topic type is not easily determined based solely on the title itself. Migrate will use the existing DITA schema as well as the topic’s content to determine the best topic type for that topic. If the topic contains a numbered list that is marked up as steps, for example, that will give Migrate a strong indication that the topic is a task. If the topic contains a lot of tabular information, Migrate may decide that the topic is a reference topic.

The annotation p.title.custom-topic is used to set a title on a topic that is a specialized topic type to your document.

The annotation is used to start a new topic of a type that is a specialized to your document without creating a title for that topic.

Example: Determining nesting level from font size.


when all of the following are true
       style matches Heading[1-9]
   and property font-size matches ([1-9][0-9]?)

The post appeared first on Stilo.

p.title.concept Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Syntax p.title.concept(level) p.title.glossary-group(level) p.title.reference(level) p.title.task(level) p.title.task-general(level) p.title.topic(level) p.title.troubleshooting(level) p.title.unknown-topic(level) p.title.custom-topic(elementname(level)) level the nesting depth of the topic, any integer […]

The post p.title.concept appeared first on Stilo.












the nesting depth of the topic, any integer


the name of the custom topic type


Migrate will construct a DITA map which pulls together all created topics in the order in which they appear in your document. Topics may be nested, giving rise to a hierarchical DITA map. The annotation’s argument indicates the how deeply nested a topic should be in the map.

These annotations are used to identify topic boundaries and topic types. They should be placed on content elements of type paragraph which are titles in your document. Migrate will start a new DITA topic at these points, and will use the text of the annotated content element as the topic title. Larger nesting level topics will be created inside those of smaller nesting levels.

Typically, sequential depths such as 1, 2, and 3 are used with the title annotations that take arguments. However, Migrate really only looks at the relative numbering. So you could choose depths such as -14, -12, -10. These might simply be the negated font sizes of the heading styles in your document. Because -12 is larger than -14, Migrate will nest topics at depth -12 inside of those at depth -14.

The annotation p.title.unknown-topic is used to indicate the start of a new topic, but does not indicate the topic type. The annotation can be used in cases where the topic type is not easily determined based solely on the title itself. Migrate will use the existing DITA schema as well as the topic’s content to determine the best topic type for that topic. If the topic contains a numbered list that is marked up as steps, for example, that will give Migrate a strong indication that the topic is a task. If the topic contains a lot of tabular information, Migrate may decide that the topic is a reference topic.

The annotation p.title.custom-topic is used to set a title on a topic that is a specialized topic type to your document.

The annotation is used to start a new topic of a type that is a specialized to your document without creating a title for that topic.

Example: Determining nesting level from font size.


when all of the following are true
       style matches Heading[1-9]
   and property font-size matches ([1-9][0-9]?)

The post p.title.concept appeared first on Stilo.

p.title.custom-topic Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Syntax p.title.concept(level) p.title.glossary-group(level) p.title.reference(level) p.title.task(level) p.title.task-general(level) p.title.topic(level) p.title.troubleshooting(level) p.title.unknown-topic(level) p.title.custom-topic(elementname(level)) level the nesting depth of the topic, any integer […]

The post p.title.custom-topic appeared first on Stilo.












the nesting depth of the topic, any integer


the name of the custom topic type


Migrate will construct a DITA map which pulls together all created topics in the order in which they appear in your document. Topics may be nested, giving rise to a hierarchical DITA map. The annotation’s argument indicates the how deeply nested a topic should be in the map.

These annotations are used to identify topic boundaries and topic types. They should be placed on content elements of type paragraph which are titles in your document. Migrate will start a new DITA topic at these points, and will use the text of the annotated content element as the topic title. Larger nesting level topics will be created inside those of smaller nesting levels.

Typically, sequential depths such as 1, 2, and 3 are used with the title annotations that take arguments. However, Migrate really only looks at the relative numbering. So you could choose depths such as -14, -12, -10. These might simply be the negated font sizes of the heading styles in your document. Because -12 is larger than -14, Migrate will nest topics at depth -12 inside of those at depth -14.

The annotation p.title.unknown-topic is used to indicate the start of a new topic, but does not indicate the topic type. The annotation can be used in cases where the topic type is not easily determined based solely on the title itself. Migrate will use the existing DITA schema as well as the topic’s content to determine the best topic type for that topic. If the topic contains a numbered list that is marked up as steps, for example, that will give Migrate a strong indication that the topic is a task. If the topic contains a lot of tabular information, Migrate may decide that the topic is a reference topic.

The annotation p.title.custom-topic is used to set a title on a topic that is a specialized topic type to your document.

The annotation is used to start a new topic of a type that is a specialized to your document without creating a title for that topic.

Example: Determining nesting level from font size.


when all of the following are true
       style matches Heading[1-9]
   and property font-size matches ([1-9][0-9]?)

The post p.title.custom-topic appeared first on Stilo.

p.title.glossary-group Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Syntax p.title.concept(level) p.title.glossary-group(level) p.title.reference(level) p.title.task(level) p.title.task-general(level) p.title.topic(level) p.title.troubleshooting(level) p.title.unknown-topic(level) p.title.custom-topic(elementname(level)) level the nesting depth of the topic, any integer […]

The post p.title.glossary-group appeared first on Stilo.












the nesting depth of the topic, any integer


the name of the custom topic type


Migrate will construct a DITA map which pulls together all created topics in the order in which they appear in your document. Topics may be nested, giving rise to a hierarchical DITA map. The annotation’s argument indicates the how deeply nested a topic should be in the map.

These annotations are used to identify topic boundaries and topic types. They should be placed on content elements of type paragraph which are titles in your document. Migrate will start a new DITA topic at these points, and will use the text of the annotated content element as the topic title. Larger nesting level topics will be created inside those of smaller nesting levels.

Typically, sequential depths such as 1, 2, and 3 are used with the title annotations that take arguments. However, Migrate really only looks at the relative numbering. So you could choose depths such as -14, -12, -10. These might simply be the negated font sizes of the heading styles in your document. Because -12 is larger than -14, Migrate will nest topics at depth -12 inside of those at depth -14.

The annotation p.title.unknown-topic is used to indicate the start of a new topic, but does not indicate the topic type. The annotation can be used in cases where the topic type is not easily determined based solely on the title itself. Migrate will use the existing DITA schema as well as the topic’s content to determine the best topic type for that topic. If the topic contains a numbered list that is marked up as steps, for example, that will give Migrate a strong indication that the topic is a task. If the topic contains a lot of tabular information, Migrate may decide that the topic is a reference topic.

The annotation p.title.custom-topic is used to set a title on a topic that is a specialized topic type to your document.

The annotation is used to start a new topic of a type that is a specialized to your document without creating a title for that topic.

Example: Determining nesting level from font size.


when all of the following are true
       style matches Heading[1-9]
   and property font-size matches ([1-9][0-9]?)

The post p.title.glossary-group appeared first on Stilo.

p.title.reference Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Syntax p.title.concept(level) p.title.glossary-group(level) p.title.reference(level) p.title.task(level) p.title.task-general(level) p.title.topic(level) p.title.troubleshooting(level) p.title.unknown-topic(level) p.title.custom-topic(elementname(level)) level the nesting depth of the topic, any integer […]

The post p.title.reference appeared first on Stilo.












the nesting depth of the topic, any integer


the name of the custom topic type


Migrate will construct a DITA map which pulls together all created topics in the order in which they appear in your document. Topics may be nested, giving rise to a hierarchical DITA map. The annotation’s argument indicates the how deeply nested a topic should be in the map.

These annotations are used to identify topic boundaries and topic types. They should be placed on content elements of type paragraph which are titles in your document. Migrate will start a new DITA topic at these points, and will use the text of the annotated content element as the topic title. Larger nesting level topics will be created inside those of smaller nesting levels.

Typically, sequential depths such as 1, 2, and 3 are used with the title annotations that take arguments. However, Migrate really only looks at the relative numbering. So you could choose depths such as -14, -12, -10. These might simply be the negated font sizes of the heading styles in your document. Because -12 is larger than -14, Migrate will nest topics at depth -12 inside of those at depth -14.

The annotation p.title.unknown-topic is used to indicate the start of a new topic, but does not indicate the topic type. The annotation can be used in cases where the topic type is not easily determined based solely on the title itself. Migrate will use the existing DITA schema as well as the topic’s content to determine the best topic type for that topic. If the topic contains a numbered list that is marked up as steps, for example, that will give Migrate a strong indication that the topic is a task. If the topic contains a lot of tabular information, Migrate may decide that the topic is a reference topic.

The annotation p.title.custom-topic is used to set a title on a topic that is a specialized topic type to your document.

The annotation is used to start a new topic of a type that is a specialized to your document without creating a title for that topic.

Example: Determining nesting level from font size.


when all of the following are true
       style matches Heading[1-9]
   and property font-size matches ([1-9][0-9]?)

The post p.title.reference appeared first on Stilo.

p.title.task Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Syntax p.title.concept(level) p.title.glossary-group(level) p.title.reference(level) p.title.task(level) p.title.task-general(level) p.title.topic(level) p.title.troubleshooting(level) p.title.unknown-topic(level) p.title.custom-topic(elementname(level)) level the nesting depth of the topic, any integer […]

The post p.title.task appeared first on Stilo.












the nesting depth of the topic, any integer


the name of the custom topic type


Migrate will construct a DITA map which pulls together all created topics in the order in which they appear in your document. Topics may be nested, giving rise to a hierarchical DITA map. The annotation’s argument indicates the how deeply nested a topic should be in the map.

These annotations are used to identify topic boundaries and topic types. They should be placed on content elements of type paragraph which are titles in your document. Migrate will start a new DITA topic at these points, and will use the text of the annotated content element as the topic title. Larger nesting level topics will be created inside those of smaller nesting levels.

Typically, sequential depths such as 1, 2, and 3 are used with the title annotations that take arguments. However, Migrate really only looks at the relative numbering. So you could choose depths such as -14, -12, -10. These might simply be the negated font sizes of the heading styles in your document. Because -12 is larger than -14, Migrate will nest topics at depth -12 inside of those at depth -14.

The annotation p.title.unknown-topic is used to indicate the start of a new topic, but does not indicate the topic type. The annotation can be used in cases where the topic type is not easily determined based solely on the title itself. Migrate will use the existing DITA schema as well as the topic’s content to determine the best topic type for that topic. If the topic contains a numbered list that is marked up as steps, for example, that will give Migrate a strong indication that the topic is a task. If the topic contains a lot of tabular information, Migrate may decide that the topic is a reference topic.

The annotation p.title.custom-topic is used to set a title on a topic that is a specialized topic type to your document.

The annotation is used to start a new topic of a type that is a specialized to your document without creating a title for that topic.

Example: Determining nesting level from font size.


when all of the following are true
       style matches Heading[1-9]
   and property font-size matches ([1-9][0-9]?)

The post p.title.task appeared first on Stilo.

p.title.task-general Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Syntax p.title.concept(level) p.title.glossary-group(level) p.title.reference(level) p.title.task(level) p.title.task-general(level) p.title.topic(level) p.title.troubleshooting(level) p.title.unknown-topic(level) p.title.custom-topic(elementname(level)) level the nesting depth of the topic, any integer […]

The post p.title.task-general appeared first on Stilo.












the nesting depth of the topic, any integer


the name of the custom topic type


Migrate will construct a DITA map which pulls together all created topics in the order in which they appear in your document. Topics may be nested, giving rise to a hierarchical DITA map. The annotation’s argument indicates the how deeply nested a topic should be in the map.

These annotations are used to identify topic boundaries and topic types. They should be placed on content elements of type paragraph which are titles in your document. Migrate will start a new DITA topic at these points, and will use the text of the annotated content element as the topic title. Larger nesting level topics will be created inside those of smaller nesting levels.

Typically, sequential depths such as 1, 2, and 3 are used with the title annotations that take arguments. However, Migrate really only looks at the relative numbering. So you could choose depths such as -14, -12, -10. These might simply be the negated font sizes of the heading styles in your document. Because -12 is larger than -14, Migrate will nest topics at depth -12 inside of those at depth -14.

The annotation p.title.unknown-topic is used to indicate the start of a new topic, but does not indicate the topic type. The annotation can be used in cases where the topic type is not easily determined based solely on the title itself. Migrate will use the existing DITA schema as well as the topic’s content to determine the best topic type for that topic. If the topic contains a numbered list that is marked up as steps, for example, that will give Migrate a strong indication that the topic is a task. If the topic contains a lot of tabular information, Migrate may decide that the topic is a reference topic.

The annotation p.title.custom-topic is used to set a title on a topic that is a specialized topic type to your document.

The annotation is used to start a new topic of a type that is a specialized to your document without creating a title for that topic.

Example: Determining nesting level from font size.


when all of the following are true
       style matches Heading[1-9]
   and property font-size matches ([1-9][0-9]?)

The post p.title.task-general appeared first on Stilo.

p.title.topic Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Syntax p.title.concept(level) p.title.glossary-group(level) p.title.reference(level) p.title.task(level) p.title.task-general(level) p.title.topic(level) p.title.troubleshooting(level) p.title.unknown-topic(level) p.title.custom-topic(elementname(level)) level the nesting depth of the topic, any integer […]

The post p.title.topic appeared first on Stilo.












the nesting depth of the topic, any integer


the name of the custom topic type


Migrate will construct a DITA map which pulls together all created topics in the order in which they appear in your document. Topics may be nested, giving rise to a hierarchical DITA map. The annotation’s argument indicates the how deeply nested a topic should be in the map.

These annotations are used to identify topic boundaries and topic types. They should be placed on content elements of type paragraph which are titles in your document. Migrate will start a new DITA topic at these points, and will use the text of the annotated content element as the topic title. Larger nesting level topics will be created inside those of smaller nesting levels.

Typically, sequential depths such as 1, 2, and 3 are used with the title annotations that take arguments. However, Migrate really only looks at the relative numbering. So you could choose depths such as -14, -12, -10. These might simply be the negated font sizes of the heading styles in your document. Because -12 is larger than -14, Migrate will nest topics at depth -12 inside of those at depth -14.

The annotation p.title.unknown-topic is used to indicate the start of a new topic, but does not indicate the topic type. The annotation can be used in cases where the topic type is not easily determined based solely on the title itself. Migrate will use the existing DITA schema as well as the topic’s content to determine the best topic type for that topic. If the topic contains a numbered list that is marked up as steps, for example, that will give Migrate a strong indication that the topic is a task. If the topic contains a lot of tabular information, Migrate may decide that the topic is a reference topic.

The annotation p.title.custom-topic is used to set a title on a topic that is a specialized topic type to your document.

The annotation is used to start a new topic of a type that is a specialized to your document without creating a title for that topic.

Example: Determining nesting level from font size.


when all of the following are true
       style matches Heading[1-9]
   and property font-size matches ([1-9][0-9]?)

The post p.title.topic appeared first on Stilo.

p.title.troubleshooting Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Syntax p.title.concept(level) p.title.glossary-group(level) p.title.reference(level) p.title.task(level) p.title.task-general(level) p.title.topic(level) p.title.troubleshooting(level) p.title.unknown-topic(level) p.title.custom-topic(elementname(level)) level the nesting depth of the topic, any integer […]

The post p.title.troubleshooting appeared first on Stilo.












the nesting depth of the topic, any integer


the name of the custom topic type


Migrate will construct a DITA map which pulls together all created topics in the order in which they appear in your document. Topics may be nested, giving rise to a hierarchical DITA map. The annotation’s argument indicates the how deeply nested a topic should be in the map.

These annotations are used to identify topic boundaries and topic types. They should be placed on content elements of type paragraph which are titles in your document. Migrate will start a new DITA topic at these points, and will use the text of the annotated content element as the topic title. Larger nesting level topics will be created inside those of smaller nesting levels.

Typically, sequential depths such as 1, 2, and 3 are used with the title annotations that take arguments. However, Migrate really only looks at the relative numbering. So you could choose depths such as -14, -12, -10. These might simply be the negated font sizes of the heading styles in your document. Because -12 is larger than -14, Migrate will nest topics at depth -12 inside of those at depth -14.

The annotation p.title.unknown-topic is used to indicate the start of a new topic, but does not indicate the topic type. The annotation can be used in cases where the topic type is not easily determined based solely on the title itself. Migrate will use the existing DITA schema as well as the topic’s content to determine the best topic type for that topic. If the topic contains a numbered list that is marked up as steps, for example, that will give Migrate a strong indication that the topic is a task. If the topic contains a lot of tabular information, Migrate may decide that the topic is a reference topic.

The annotation p.title.custom-topic is used to set a title on a topic that is a specialized topic type to your document.

The annotation is used to start a new topic of a type that is a specialized to your document without creating a title for that topic.

Example: Determining nesting level from font size.


when all of the following are true
       style matches Heading[1-9]
   and property font-size matches ([1-9][0-9]?)

The post p.title.troubleshooting appeared first on Stilo.
