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Anatomy of the Dashboard

2 min read

The anatomy of the Migrate dashboard.

anatomy of the dashboard

Red Box Description
1 Site navigation buttons — These bring you to the main screens of the Migrate dashboard.
2 Side bar — Side bars provide useful information and functionality appropriate to the screen you are currently on.
3 Action buttons — These buttons operate on the items selected in the table below.
4 Document link — Click here to go to the document details screen.
5 List — This is a listing of objects appropriate to the screen. In the image above, we see a listing of documents on the portal in the basket Kenora.
6 Number of entries — This displays the number of entries on the screen and the total number of entries in the current basket.
7 Page list — This displays the current page number and, if applicable, movement links to other pages.
8 Entries per page — This dropdown allows you to choose to display 10 (default), 25, 50, or 100 entries per page.
9 Top bar — The top bar displays the portal name; a link to Account Settings; a link to the Migrate Help files; a link to let you contact Migrate Support; and a Logout link.
10 Search bar — Type in the text area to locate files with your search characteristics.
11 Column headings — Click on a column heading to sort the table by that column.

  • Document, Basket, Type, Rule Set, and Target are sorted alphabetically on first click, then reverse-alphabetically on a second click.
  • The Credits column is sorted first in ascending order, then in descending order.
  • The Last Processed Time column is first sorted least recent to most recent, then on a second click is sorted most recent to least recent. (The most recent to least recent is the default sort used.)
  • The Processing Time column shows you how long the previous conversion took to complete. This column is not sortable.
  • The Status column (also not sortable) shows you the current status of each document. The three stages of the Migrate process are Analysis, Annotation, and Conversion, and there are messages for each stage. Each stage can fail, complete with messages, or complete successfully.