Rules Archives - Stilo experience XML in a whole new way | exceptional tools for structured content solutions Sun, 25 Apr 2021 15:11:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Rules Archives - Stilo 32 32 Determining Where a Rule Has Applied Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 A correct conversion depends on having annotations properly applied to content elements. This requires rule conditions to be accurately specified. […]

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A correct conversion depends on having annotations properly applied to content elements. This requires rule conditions to be accurately specified. The rules editor allows you to see where a rule has applied.


  1. From the rules grid, select the rule that you are interested in.


The content panel now shows a green box around all content element to which the selected rule has applied.

The rules grid contains a toolbar for stepping through the hits, taking you in turn to each content element to which the selected rule has applied.

Example: determining where a rule has applied

determining where a rule has applied

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Deleting an Annotation Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Procedure In the displayed rules view, double click anywhere on the rule you want to update. This places the rule […]

The post Deleting an Annotation appeared first on Stilo.



  1. In the displayed rules view, double click anywhere on the rule you want to update.
    1. This places the rule in edit mode.
  2. Right click on the annotation you would like to delete.
    1. The annotation you selected will have a green background highlight.
  3. Click Delete.


The annotation has been removed from the rule.

Once you are done

Although the rule has been updated within the rules editor, the change has not yet been propagated to the portal. To commit the change to the portal, you must save the rule set.

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Moving an Annotation Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Procedure In the displayed rules view, double click anywhere on the rule you want to update. This places the rule […]

The post Moving an Annotation appeared first on Stilo.



  1. In the displayed rules view, double click anywhere on the rule you want to update.
    1. This places the rule in edit mode.
  2. Right click on the annotation you would like to move.
    1. The annotation you selected will have a green background highlight.
  3. Move the annotation.
    • Click Move up
    • or Move down.


The annotation has been moved.

Once you are done

Although the rule has been updated within the rules editor, the change has not yet been propagated to the portal. To commit the change to the portal, you must save the rule set.

The post Moving an Annotation appeared first on Stilo.

Deleting a Rule Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Procedure In the rules grid view, click to select the rule you want to delete. Right click on the rule […]

The post Deleting a Rule appeared first on Stilo.

  1. In the rules grid view, click to select the rule you want to delete.
  2. Right click on the rule and select Delete from the context menu that appears.
    1. The rule now has a strikethrough in the Name column.
  3. If you have deleted the wrong rule, or you change your mind and do not want to delete the rule after all, right-click on the rule again and select Undelete from the context menu.
    1. The strikethrough in the Name column has been removed.


The rule has been deleted from the rule set. The rule will still be visible in the displayed rules view and rules grid, but its name will have a strikethrough, and the rule will be greyed out in the displayed rules view.

Once you are done

Although the rule has been deleted within the rules editor, the change has not yet been propagated to the portal. To commit the change to the portal, you must save the rule set.

The post Deleting a Rule appeared first on Stilo.

Table Properties Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Table properties allow you to write rules that work with tables in your input. Table properties allow a rule to […]

The post Table Properties appeared first on Stilo.

Table properties allow you to write rules that work with tables in your input.

Table properties allow a rule to check if a chunk of content happens to be in a table, and if so where in the table it is. Some properties will be set on the table itself. These properties are not inherited. Other properties will be set on the elements within the table. For example, the column-position property will be set on all elements contained in table cells.

property inherited description
table-title no The table title, if available.
table-header no A multi-valued property containing all of the headers of the table.
column-count no The number of columns in the table.
row-position yes The row number.
column-position yes The column number.
in-table-body yes Set to true for content in the table body.
in-table-header yes Set to true for content in the table header.
column-header yes The column’s header, if available.

Example: Table Properties

first column second column

For the example table above, the following would be true:

  • The property table-header would have two values first column and second column and would only be set on the table element itself.
  • The property row-count is 3 and would only be set on the table element itself.
  • The property column-count is 2 and would only be set on the table element itself.
  • The row-position in cell C would be 2 and would be available on all paragraph and span elements in that cell.
  • The column-position in cell C would be 1 and would be available on all paragraph and span elements in that cell.
  • The in-table-body property would be true for cells A through F and this property would be available on all elements within these cells.
  • The in-header-body property would be true for the header cells containing the text first column and second column, and this would be available on all elements contained within the header cells.
  • The property column-header would be set to first column for cell C and this would be available on all elements contained within that cell.

The post Table Properties appeared first on Stilo.

Selecting Content Elements Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Migrate breaks down your document into simple content elements. These are the content units on which you can set annotations […]

The post Selecting Content Elements appeared first on Stilo.

Migrate breaks down your document into simple content elements. These are the content units on which you can set annotations which will guide the conversion to the target format.

Content elements may be nested. For example, a paragraph element may contain span elements. A table element will contain row elements which, in turn, may contain paragraph and span elements.


  1. From the content panel, click the content element that you are interested in.
    1. The innermost content element you clicked on is selected and will now have a green background.
      1. For selecting content elements at different nesting levels do the following.
  2. Click the currently selected content element
    1. The selection will expand to include the containing content element, if any. If the current selection was already the outermost content element, the innermost content element at the point you clicked will be selected.


The Element Properties tab is automatically put into view and is updated to correspond with the content element you have selected.

Example: Selecting Content Elements

Selecting a paragraph content element in a table
Figure: Selecting a paragraph content element in a table

Clicking anywhere in the green box from the previous fig will select the current row

Selecting a row content element in a table
Figure: Selecting a row content element in a table

Clicking anywhere in the green box from the previous fig will select the entire table.

Selecting an entire table content element
Figure: Selecting an entire table content element

The post Selecting Content Elements appeared first on Stilo.

Determining the Properties of an Element Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Content elements have associated properties, such as font-size, that have been carried over from the authoring environment. These are important […]

The post Determining the Properties of an Element appeared first on Stilo.

Content elements have associated properties, such as font-size, that have been carried over from the authoring environment. These are important for conversion mapping purposes.


  1. From the content panel, select the content element that you are interested in.


The Element Properties tab is automatically put into view and is updated to correspond with the content element you have selected.

The Metadata section shows the selected element’s type, unique id, style, and any conditions that it may have. The Properties section shows all of the properties associated with the selected content that Migrate was able to capture from the source document format.

Example: Element Properties

Element Properties

  • The selected element in the content panel has a green background.
  • The selected element’s properties are shown on the right.

The post Determining the Properties of an Element appeared first on Stilo.

Determining Which Rules Have Applied Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 A correct conversion depends on having annotations properly applied to content elements. This requires rule conditions to be accurately specified. […]

The post Determining Which Rules Have Applied appeared first on Stilo.

A correct conversion depends on having annotations properly applied to content elements. This requires rule conditions to be accurately specified. The rules editor allow you to see which rules have applied to content elements.


  1. From the content panel, select the content element that you are interested in.


The Element Properties tab is automatically put into view and is updated to correspond with the content element you have selected.

The Annotations section lists the annotations which have applied to the selected content element.

The Applied Rules section lists the rules which have applied to the selected content element.

Example: Element Properties

Element Properties

  • The selected element in the content panel has a green background.
  • The selected element’s properties are shown on the right.

The post Determining Which Rules Have Applied appeared first on Stilo.

Determining Which Annotations Have Applied Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 A correct conversion depends on having annotations properly applied to content elements. The rules editor allows you to check this. […]

The post Determining Which Annotations Have Applied appeared first on Stilo.

A correct conversion depends on having annotations properly applied to content elements. The rules editor allows you to check this.


  1. From the content panel, select the content element that you are interested in.


The Element Properties tab is automatically put into view and is updated to correspond with the content element you have selected.

The Annotations section lists the annotations which have applied to the selected content element.

Example: Element Properties

Element Properties

  • The selected element in the content panel has a green background.
  • The selected element’s properties are shown on the right.

The post Determining Which Annotations Have Applied appeared first on Stilo.

Adding an Annotation Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Procedure In the displayed rules view, double click anywhere on the rule you want to add an annotation to. This […]

The post Adding an Annotation appeared first on Stilo.

  1. In the displayed rules view, double click anywhere on the rule you want to add an annotation to.
    1. This places the rule in edit mode.
  2. On the bottom right of the selected rule’s view, click on the green plus button.
  3. Double click the field labeled an unspecified annotation.
    1. The annotation field is placed into edit mode and the annotation menu is displayed.
  4. Type an annotation name into the annotation text field or select an annotation from the annotation menu.
  5. On the bottom left of the selected rule’s view, click on the Done button.
    1. This takes the rule out of edit mode.


The annotation has been added to the rule.

Once you are done

Although the rule has been updated within the rules editor, the change has not yet been propagated to the portal. To commit the change to the portal, you must save the rule set.

The post Adding an Annotation appeared first on Stilo.
