Annotations Archives - Stilo experience XML in a whole new way | exceptional tools for structured content solutions Mon, 18 Dec 2023 11:29:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Annotations Archives - Stilo 32 32 Mon, 18 Dec 2023 11:29:08 +0000 Syntax   Purpose The annotation is used to tag an element as being a property of a topic. […]

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The annotation is used to tag an element as being a property of a topic. This tag is highly customizable and can be altered to be as specific as the topic requires. Content tagged as data is contained within a prolog. Applying this annotation will tag content as a generic data element.


A more specialized form of the <data> element should be applied if possible.


The following is an example of a time when you might want to use the annotation:


The following is an example of a time when you might want to use the annotation:



The following is the DITA XML output for the rule:



<author>John Writer</author>

<publisher>Stilo Corporation</publisher>




<data>Using Migrate is a simple process, as will be explained in this document.</data>

<data>Copyright 2023</data>


The post appeared first on Stilo.

p.metadata Mon, 18 Dec 2023 11:27:21 +0000 Syntax p.metadata   Purpose The p.metadata annotation is used to tag an element as being “behind the scenes” keywords, information, […]

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The p.metadata annotation is used to tag an element as being “behind the scenes” keywords, information, or other filters that can be used in indexing and navigation. This information does not appear in the topic itself. Applying metadata tags allows for easier single sourcing and propagation across multiple documents.


This annotation is used to place content in the metadata for the topic. This element will be properly included alongside other prolog elements if it is adjacent to those other elements in the document.


This annotation will assign its content as a <category>.


The following is an example of a time when you might want to use the annotation:


The following is an example of a time when you might want to use the annotation:



The following is the DITA XML output for the rule:


<title>Introduction to Migrate Rule Writing</title>


<author>John Writer</author>

<publisher>Stilo Corporation</publisher>





The post p.metadata appeared first on Stilo.

p.prolog Mon, 18 Dec 2023 11:25:20 +0000 Syntax p.prolog   Purpose The p.prolog annotation is used to tag an element as containing prolog metadata for the topic. […]

The post p.prolog appeared first on Stilo.





The p.prolog annotation is used to tag an element as containing prolog metadata for the topic. This information is typically not shown when the content is rendered. The prolog element acts as a container for content, rather than being content itself.


This annotation has different output depending on the context in which it is used. If this annotation is applied to the first content in a topic, it will be tagged as an <author> element. If the annotation is applied to content following other prolog content, it will be tagged as a <data> element. If this annotation is applied to content not directly following other prolog content, it will be tagged as a new <prolog> element wherever in the topic it appears.


Applying this annotation sequentially will create a series of prologs inside a single other element, such as a <p> or <prereq> element.


This annotation will cause any following prolog content (e.g. data or metadata) following it to be merged inside the prolog element.


The following is an example of a time when you might want to use the annotation:


The following is an example of a time where you might want to use the annotation:



The following is the DITA XML output for the rule:


<title>Introduction to Migrate Rule Writing</title>


<author>John Writer</author>

<publisher>Stilo Corporation</publisher>




<data>Using Migrate is a simple process, as will be explained in this document.<data>Copyright 2023</data></data>


The post p.prolog appeared first on Stilo.

]]> Mon, 18 Dec 2023 11:21:08 +0000 Syntax Purpose The annotation is used to tag an element as being a row of a property table. […]

The post appeared first on Stilo.



The annotation is used to tag an element as being a row of a property table. This annotation allows the grouping of span property elements into a single <property> tag. The content does not need to be contained in a table in the source document.


The following is an example of a time when you might want to use the annotation


The following is an example of a rule that will apply the annotation

The following is the DITA XML output for the rule:








<proptype>Input  </proptype>

<propvalue>None  </propvalue>

<propdesc>This function does not take user input.</propdesc>



<proptype>Output  </proptype>

<propvalue>None  </propvalue>

<propdesc>This function does not produce output.</propdesc>



<proptype>Arguments  </proptype>

<propvalue>Two  </propvalue>

<propdesc>This function takes two arguments: item and range.</propdesc>




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]]> Mon, 18 Dec 2023 11:14:56 +0000 Syntax Purpose The annotation is used to tag a span element as being the description of a property. […]

The post appeared first on Stilo.



The annotation is used to tag a span element as being the description of a property. It will associate the property description with a preceding property type and/or value.


The property description acts as the definition of or other information regarding a property’s value.


The following is an example of a time when you might want to use the annotation


The following is an example of a rule that will apply the annotation

The following is the DITA XML output for the rule:


<proptype>Input  </proptype>

<propvalue>None  </propvalue>

 <propdesc>This function does not take user input.</propdesc>



<proptype>Output  </proptype>

<propvalue>None  </propvalue>

<propdesc>This function does not produce output.</propdesc>



<proptype>Arguments  </proptype>

<propvalue>Two  </propvalue>

<propdesc>This function takes two arguments: item and range.</propdesc>



The post appeared first on Stilo.

s.trademark Mon, 18 Dec 2023 11:04:47 +0000 Syntax s.trademark(tmtype)             tmtype is the type of trademark. This argument is mandatory. It can take the following values: tm […]

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            tmtype is the type of trademark. This argument is mandatory. It can take the following values:

  • tm
  • reg
  • service
  • -dita-use-conref-target


The s.trademark annotation is used to tag a span element as being a trademarked word, phrase, slogan, logo, or any other trademarked content. The trademark must be identified in the rule as which type of trademark it is, as described in the previous section.


The following is an example of a time when you might want to use the annotation


The following is an example of a rule that will apply the annotation

The following is the DITA XML output for the rule:

<title>Installing the XYZ MegaPro Processor</title>


<p>Before installing your <tm tmtype=”tm”>XYZ MegaPro Processor</tm>, ensure


The post s.trademark appeared first on Stilo.

s.xref Mon, 18 Dec 2023 11:02:20 +0000 Syntax s.xref Purpose The s.xref annotation is used to tag a span or paragraph element as being a cross reference […]

The post s.xref appeared first on Stilo.




The s.xref annotation is used to tag a span or paragraph element as being a cross reference to another location within a topic. This can refer to something in the same or another topic, or a completely external source.


This annotation can be applied on its own. In this scenario, the content tagged will become an xref element with an external scope and the content as the href.


This annotation can also be applied in conjunction with the annotation set-attribute(href=\{variable}). In this scenario, the content tagged will become an xref with an external scope, and will assign {variable} as the href.


This annotation is not required to be applied to an existing link in the source document. Migrate will automatically apply <xref> tags to any span with an internal or external hyperlink. Applying this annotation to an existing hyperlink will cause an <xref> tag to be nested as a <ph> element inside the automatically generated tags.


The following is an example of a time when you might want to use the annotation


The following is an example of a rule that will apply the annotation

The following is the DITA XML output for the rule:

For an element where the href is not specified:

<p>This sentence contains a <xref href=”cross%20reference” scope=”external”>cross reference</xref> to an external document.</p>


For an element where the href is applied manually:

<p>This sentence contains a <xref href=”” scope=”external”>cross reference</xref> to</p>


The post s.xref appeared first on Stilo.

s.citation Mon, 18 Dec 2023 11:00:12 +0000 Syntax s.citation Purpose The s.citation annotation is used to tag a span element as being a cited source supporting a […]

The post s.citation appeared first on Stilo.




The s.citation annotation is used to tag a span element as being a cited source supporting a statement or providing reference to a quotation.


The following is an example of a time when you might want to use the annotation


The following is an example of a rule that will apply the annotation

The following is the DITA XML output for the rule:

<title>Quote Example</title>


<p>This sentence contains a quote: <q>this is the quote</q> (<cite>Author, 2023</cite>).</p>


The post s.citation appeared first on Stilo.

p.ui.screen Mon, 18 Dec 2023 10:57:36 +0000 Syntax p.ui.screen Purpose The p.ui.screen annotation is used to tag an element as being a representation of a text-based user […]

The post p.ui.screen appeared first on Stilo.




The p.ui.screen annotation is used to tag an element as being a representation of a text-based user interface. Examples of text-based user interfaces include DOS or the Windows command console.


The following is an example of a time when you might want to use the annotation


The following is an example of a rule that will apply the annotation

The following is the DITA XML output for the rule:

<title>GOS User Interface</title>


<screen>FILE  EDIT  OPTIONS  HELP  EXIT&#x2028;
| Line:1  Col:1  F1=HELP                                                                                                                                       |&#x2028;
|>_                                                                                                                                                                                   |&#x2028;
|                                                                                                                                                                                       |&#x2028;
|                                                                                                                                                                                       |                                                                                  &#x2028;
|                                                                                                                                                                                       |&#x2028;
|                                                                                                                                                                                       |&#x2028;





The post p.ui.screen appeared first on Stilo.

s.syntax.separator.repeatable Mon, 18 Dec 2023 10:52:07 +0000 Syntax s.syntax.separator.repeatable Purpose The s.syntax.separator.repeatable annotation is used to tag a span element as a character identifying that a group […]

The post s.syntax.separator.repeatable appeared first on Stilo.




The s.syntax.separator.repeatable annotation is used to tag a span element as a character identifying that a group of syntax may or must be repeated. The character annotated as a repeatable separator is used between repetitions of the syntax content.


The following is an example of a time when you might want to use the annotation


The following is an example of a rule that will apply the annotation

The following is the DITA XML output for the rule:


<title>>group </title>







The post s.syntax.separator.repeatable appeared first on Stilo.
