What role does taxonomy management play in government terminology in DITA?

Taxonomy management plays a critical role in maintaining consistency and coherence in government terminology within the DITA framework.

Organizing Terminology

One of the primary functions of taxonomy management is to categorize and organize government-specific terminology. This involves creating hierarchies and relationships between terms. DITA provides the capability to build structured taxonomies that reflect the various domains and categories of government documentation. These taxonomies serve as the foundation for consistent classification and retrieval of terms.

Facilitating Retrieval

Efficient retrieval of relevant government terminology is essential in large document repositories. Taxonomy management enables the creation of taxonomies that group related terms, making it easier to find and reference specific terminology within documents. For example, a taxonomy could include categories like “Legal,” “Healthcare,” “Military,” and “Transportation,” each containing relevant terms. When an author references a term, the taxonomy helps them choose the most appropriate term for their context, enhancing the quality and consistency of government documentation.


Here’s an example of how DITA allows for taxonomy management:

  <category id="legal">
    <term id="statute">
    <term id="regulation">
  <category id="healthcare">
    <term id="patient">
    <term id="pharmaceutical">
  <!-- Additional categories and terms -->

In this example, the taxonomy defines categories and related terms for “Legal” and “Healthcare,” helping authors select the appropriate terminology when creating government documents in these domains.