What role does conditional processing play in tailoring project management documentation for different mining projects, project phases, and stakeholders?

Conditional processing in DITA XML plays a vital role in tailoring project management documentation for different mining projects, project phases, and stakeholders. It allows content to be selectively included or excluded based on specified conditions, ensuring that documentation remains relevant and customized for specific audiences or scenarios.

Customization for Mining Projects

For different mining projects, documentation may need to vary based on project-specific requirements. Conditional processing enables content authors to include project-specific information while excluding irrelevant details. This ensures that project management documentation, such as project plans and schedules, is tailored to the unique characteristics and needs of each mining project.

Adaptation to Project Phases

Project management documentation often evolves throughout different project phases, such as initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closure. Conditional processing allows for the inclusion of content relevant to the current project phase while hiding information that pertains to other phases. This ensures that project teams have access to the most pertinent information at any given stage of the project.

Stakeholder-specific Documentation

Various stakeholders, such as project managers, engineers, and regulatory authorities, require specific information from project management documentation. Conditional processing enables the creation of stakeholder-specific versions of documentation. For example, a project risk assessment document can include detailed technical data for engineers while providing a summarized, high-level overview for regulatory authorities, ensuring that each stakeholder group receives the information they need.


Here’s an example of conditional processing in DITA XML for tailoring project management documentation to different stakeholders:

<project_schedule id="mine_project_schedule">
  <title>Mine Project Schedule</title>
    <topicref href="engineer_schedule.dita" conkeyref="engineer" />
    <topicref href="regulatory_schedule.dita" conkeyref="regulatory" />

In this example, the project schedule includes topic references to “engineer_schedule.dita” and “regulatory_schedule.dita,” and conditions are applied using conkeyref. Depending on the specified conditions (e.g., “engineer” or “regulatory”), the appropriate schedule content is included in the final documentation, tailoring it for different stakeholders.