What metadata elements are commonly used in DITA?

Metadata elements in DITA are commonly used to provide additional information about topics or elements within a document. Metadata serves various purposes, including categorization, indexing, searchability, and content management. It helps organize and describe content in a structured way. Commonly used metadata elements in DITA include <metadata>, <title>, <author>, <subject>, <keywords>, and <pubdate>.

<metadata> Element:

The <metadata> element is the main container for metadata information in a DITA document. It encapsulates all metadata-related elements within a document or topic.

The <metadata> element is typically placed at the beginning of a DITA document or topic and contains various metadata elements to provide essential information about the content.


            <!-- Metadata elements go here -->

<title> Element:

The <title> element specifies the title of the document or topic, providing a concise and clear title for the content.

The title is a fundamental piece of metadata used to identify the document or topic’s subject matter.


        <title>Using Metadata in DITA</title>

<author> Element:

The <author> element indicates the author or creator of the content. It can include the author’s name, organization, or other relevant details.

Author information helps identify the content’s creator and can be useful for attribution and contact purposes.


        <author>John Doe</author>

<subject> Element:

The <subject> element provides a brief description or subject matter of the content. It helps categorize and classify the document.

The subject element offers a concise overview of what the content is about, aiding in content organization and retrieval.


        <subject>DITA Documentation</subject>

<keywords> Element:

The <keywords> element specifies keywords or key phrases related to the content. These keywords are often used for indexing and search purposes.

Keywords enable users and content management systems to discover and retrieve content more effectively.


        <keywords>metadata, DITA, documentation</keywords>

<pubdate> Element:

The <pubdate> element includes the publication date of the document or topic. It helps users understand the content’s relevance and recency.

Publication dates provide context regarding when the content was created or last updated.

