What is the syntax for creating external links in DITA?

Creating external links in DITA XML is a straightforward process that allows you to reference content from outside your DITA topic. These links are useful for directing readers to additional resources, websites, or documents related to the topic’s content. The syntax for creating external links involves using the <link> element, which specifies the URL of the external resource along with an optional title or label for the link.

Here’s an example of the syntax for creating an external link in DITA:

<link href="https://www.example.com" title="External Link">Link Text</link>

In this example, the <link> element is used to create the external link. It includes the href attribute, which should contain the URL of the external resource you want to link to. Additionally, you can include a title attribute to specify the title or label for the link. The text that appears within the </link> tags is the visible link text that readers will see. This syntax is used to create external links that enhance the content of your DITA topic by providing references to external sources.