What is the relationship between validation and the creation of DITA specialization documentation?

The relationship between validation and the creation of DITA specialization documentation is integral to ensuring that custom elements and attributes are used effectively. Here’s how they are connected:

Documentation Guided by Validation Requirements: The creation of specialization documentation is influenced by the validation requirements of the custom elements and attributes introduced in specializations. The documentation outlines how these specialized components should be used and customized to ensure they pass validation checks.

Content for Content Authors: Specialization documentation provides content authors with detailed information on the purpose, attributes, structure, and usage examples of the specialized elements. It acts as a reference to help content authors create compliant content that adheres to the validation criteria.

Reference for Validation: During the validation process, validation tools refer to the specialization documentation to confirm that content using the specialized elements complies with the documented guidelines. Documentation provides a reference for what valid content should look like, aiding in the validation checks.

Continuous Updates: As specializations evolve or validation requirements change, the specialization documentation must be updated accordingly to reflect these changes. Keeping the documentation aligned with validation ensures that content authors always have accurate guidance.


<!-- Example of specialization documentation guiding validation -->
    <element name="medical-procedure">
        Guidelines for using the <medical-procedure> element in healthcare documentation.
        <!-- Examples of valid <medical-procedure> usage -->