What is the purpose of the <entry> element in DITA tables?

In DITA, the <entry> element is a fundamental component of tables used to represent individual data cells within a table. It plays a crucial role in structuring and organizing tabular data.

The primary purpose of the <entry> element is to define individual cells within a table. It represents the data contained in a specific cell and is essential for creating structured, organized tables.

The <entry> element can contain various types of content, such as text, numbers, links, inline elements, and even nested tables. This flexibility allows for presenting diverse data within a single cell.

<entry> elements can include attributes that provide additional information about the cell, such as its alignment (align attribute) and data format (format attribute).


This simple table in DITA illustrates the use of the <entry> element:

  <title>Sample Table</title>
  <tgroup cols="3">
        <entry>Product A</entry>
        <entry>High-quality product</entry>
        <entry>Product B</entry>
        <entry>Advanced features</entry>

In this example, each <entry> element represents a cell within the table. The first <entry> in the <thead> denotes the column headers, while the subsequent <entry> elements in the <tbody> contain data for each cell.