What is the <note> element used for in DITA?

Using the <note> Element in DITA XML

The <note> element in DITA XML is a valuable tool for inserting notes, comments, or other supplementary information within your content. This element allows you to provide additional context, explanations, warnings, or tips to enhance the understanding of your topic without disrupting the main flow of your content. This response explains the purpose and usage of the <note> element in DITA XML, including its attributes and types, along with an illustrative example.

Attributes and Types

The <note> element can have various attributes that specify the type of note, such as “important,” “caution,” “tip,” or “warning.” These attributes help categorize the notes and provide a visual distinction to draw the reader’s attention. The choice of note type depends on the nature of the information you want to convey. For example, a “caution” note might be used to highlight potential risks, while an “important” note could emphasize critical details.


Here’s an example of how the <note> element is used in DITA XML to provide additional information:

<note type="important">
  <title>Important Note</title>
  <para>This is a critical piece of information that you need to be aware of when using this software. Failure to follow this guideline may result in data loss or system instability.</para>

In this example, the <note> element is marked as “important,” and its content informs the reader about the significance of following a specific guideline when working with software. The <title> and <para> elements are used to structure the note’s title and description.