What is the impact of metadata translation on DITA map organization?

Metadata translation in DITA map organization involves adapting metadata elements, such as titles, descriptions, and keywords, to fit the linguistic and cultural context of the target language, impacting the organization of the map.

Considerations for Metadata Translation

When translating DITA map metadata, it’s important to consider that metadata elements may vary in length or structure between languages. For example, titles and descriptions may be longer in some languages, affecting the layout of the map. Additionally, keywords and labels used in metadata should be culturally appropriate and relevant. These variations can influence the visual presentation and organization of the DITA map, as well as its navigational elements, which may need to accommodate changes in text length and cultural nuances.


When translating a DITA map from English to Spanish, titles and descriptions may be longer in Spanish, requiring layout adjustments and potentially affecting pagination and navigation labels:

  <title xml_lang="en">User Guide</title>
  <title xml_lang="es">Guía del Usuario</title>
  <!-- Metadata descriptions may also vary in length -->
  <shortdesc xml_lang="en">Comprehensive guide to using the product.</shortdesc>
  <shortdesc xml_lang="es">Guía completa para utilizar el producto.</shortdesc>
  <topicref href="chapter1.dita" />
  <topicref href="chapter2.dita" />
  <!-- Additional topics... -->

In this example, translating metadata elements for the Spanish version of the DITA map results in longer titles and descriptions, which can impact the organization and layout of the map, requiring adjustments to maintain readability and navigation functionality.