What elements or styles are commonly used to distinguish index entries?

Within DITA documentation, there are several elements and styles commonly used to distinguish index entries and make them easily identifiable for readers. These distinctions help users navigate the index efficiently. Here are some commonly used elements and styles:

1. Bold Text

One common way to distinguish index entries is by using bold text. You can wrap the indexed term in <b> tags to make it stand out. For example:


2. Italics

Italicizing an index entry is another common approach to set it apart. You can use the <i> tags to apply italics to the indexed term. For example:


3. Hyperlinks

Hyperlinking index entries to the corresponding content is a practical way to allow readers to quickly access information. You can use <xref> elements to create hyperlinks. For example:

<xref href="topic.dita#section1">Topic Title</xref>


Here’s an example of how you can use these elements to distinguish index entries in DITA documentation:

<section id="index">
    <b>Keyword1</b>: Description of keyword 1.
    <i>Concept1</i>: Explanation of concept 1.
    <xref href="topic1.dita#sectionA">Topic 1, Section A</xref>: Detailed information about section A of Topic 1.

In this example, the index entries are visually distinguished using bold text, italics, and hyperlinks, making it easy for users to identify and access the relevant content.