What elements are used for author comments and annotations in DITA?

In DITA, author comments and annotations can be added using the <draft-comment> and <annotation> elements. These elements allow authors and reviewers to include comments and notes within the content for collaboration and documentation purposes.

<draft-comment> Element:

The <draft-comment> element is used to add comments or notes within the content that are primarily intended for authors and reviewers during the drafting and reviewing stages. These comments are often temporary and are not meant for inclusion in the final published output.

<annotation> Element:

The <annotation> element serves a similar purpose but is designed for more formal or persistent annotations. Annotations can be used to provide explanations, clarify content, or offer additional information within the documentation. Annotations can be retained in the final publication or excluded, depending on the publishing process.


These examples show how to use the <draft-comment> and <annotation> elements.

<draft-comment> Example:

<p>This is a paragraph in the document.

<!-- Adding a draft comment --> <draft-comment> <p>Author's note: This section needs more details about the software update process.</p> </draft-comment> <p>Continuing with the next topic...

<annotation> Example:

<p>This is an important concept in the topic.

<!-- Adding an annotation --> <annotation> <p>Note: This concept is applicable to both Windows and macOS operating systems.</p> </annotation> <p>Continuing with the explanation...

In this example, an is used to provide additional information about the concept. The note specifies that the concept applies to both Windows and macOS. Annotations can be included in the final published content.