What considerations should be made to ensure the index is user-friendly?

Creating a user-friendly index in DITA documentation is essential to enhance the overall user experience and facilitate easy navigation. Consider the following factors to ensure the index is user-friendly:

Clear and Descriptive Entries

Each index entry should be clear and descriptive, providing users with a good understanding of the topic it represents. Use meaningful and concise terms as index entries. Avoid vague or overly technical terms that might confuse users. For example, instead of using “Networking Protocols,” opt for “Networking Basics” or “Introduction to Networking Protocols.”

Alphabetical Order

Arrange index entries in alphabetical order to make it easy for users to locate specific topics. Alphabetical sorting simplifies the search process and allows users to find terms quickly. Additionally, consider using subentries or nested entries to group related topics together, providing a more organized index structure.


Here’s an example of a user-friendly index entry in DITA:

  <indexterm>Networking Basics</indexterm>
  <indexterm>Introduction to Networking Protocols</indexterm>
  <indexterm>Security Measures</indexterm>
  <indexterm>Security Best Practices</indexterm>
  <indexterm>Wireless Networking</indexterm>
  <indexterm>Wireless Security</indexterm>

In this example, the index entries are clear and arranged alphabetically, making it easier for users to find relevant information.