What components are typically found in a task topic?

Task topics in DITA XML typically consist of several key components that work together to provide clear and actionable instructions for completing tasks. These components help users understand and execute the steps involved in a specific task effectively.

Components of a Task Topic

Here are the essential components found in a task topic:

  • <title>: The <title> element provides a descriptive title for the task, summarizing what the user will accomplish. It sets the context for the task.
  • <taskbody>: The main content of the task is enclosed within the <taskbody> element. This is where you provide detailed instructions and explanations for the task.
  • <steps>: To break down the task into individual steps, you use the <steps> element. Each step is enclosed within a <step> element, making it clear and easy to follow.
  • <stepresult>: After each step, the <stepresult> element is used to describe the expected outcome or result of completing that particular step. This helps users understand the consequences of their actions.


Here’s an example of how a task topic is structured in DITA XML:

<task id="task_example">
  <title>Assembling a Bookshelf</title>
      <step>Gather all the necessary parts and tools.</step>
      <step>Follow the assembly instructions provided in the manual.</step>
      <step>Secure the bookshelf to the wall to ensure stability.</step>
    <stepresult>Once completed, you'll have a fully assembled and secure bookshelf ready for use.</stepresult>

In this example, the task topic “Assembling a Bookshelf” is structured with a title, a series of steps, and step results to guide users through the assembly process.