What are the current trends in DITA indexing practices and technologies?

Current trends in DITA indexing practices and technologies are continually evolving to address the changing needs of content creators and users. Some of the prominent trends include:

Dynamic Indexing: The move towards dynamic indexing, where indexes can be generated on-the-fly based on user queries, allowing for real-time access to information.

AI-Powered Assistance: Increased use of AI and machine learning to assist indexers in creating more context-aware and relevant index entries.

Personalization: Indexes are becoming more user-centric, offering personalized recommendations and tailored search results.

Voice Search and Indexing: With the rise of voice search, DITA indexing is adapting to accommodate spoken queries and voice-assisted indexing tools.

Integrating User Feedback: Trends include incorporating user feedback to continuously improve and expand index entries.


In a modern DITA documentation project, dynamic indexing is employed to provide users with real-time index results as they search. AI-powered assistance ensures that index entries are contextually relevant. Personalization means that users receive tailored index suggestions based on their preferences. The system also supports voice search, allowing users to search documentation using voice commands. User feedback is integrated into the indexing process for ongoing enhancements.

<!– Example of current trends in DITA indexing practices –>

  <title>Dynamic Documentation Index</title>
    <primary>AI Assistance</primary>
    <primary>Voice Search</primary>
    <primary>User Feedback Integration</primary>

In this example, modern trends reflect dynamic, AI-powered, user-centric, and voice-assisted indexing practices.