What are links in DITA XML?

In DITA XML, links play a crucial role in connecting and organizing content within a structured documentation framework. Links are used to reference and connect different pieces of content, allowing users to navigate between topics, sections, and related information. These links provide a dynamic and interconnected way to access and understand the content. There are several types of links in DITA XML:

1. Cross-References: Cross-references are used to link to other topics or sections within the documentation. These links help readers navigate between related content. Here’s an example of a cross-reference in DITA:

<!-- Example: DITA Cross-Reference -->
<ph><xref href="topic123.dita"/></ph>

2. External Links: External links point to resources outside the documentation, such as websites or external documents. These links can provide additional context or reference external sources. Here’s an example of an external link in DITA:

<!-- Example: DITA External Link -->
<ph><xref href="https://www.example.com"/></ph>

3. Key References: Key references are used to associate a specific term with a definition or expanded description, allowing readers to access additional information when needed. Here’s an example of a key reference in DITA:

<!-- Example: DITA Key Reference -->
<term keyref="glossary_term_001">DITA</term>

Links in DITA XML enhance the usability and interconnectedness of documentation, enabling users to explore related topics, access external resources, and find in-depth explanations of key terms and concepts.