<related-links>: How do you employ the <related-links> element to include links to related topics or external resources within a DITA topic?

The <related-links> element in DITA is used to incorporate links to related topics or external resources within a DITA topic. It allows authors to provide readers with additional information that can enhance their understanding of the current topic or guide them to related content for further exploration.

Enhancing Content Connectivity

The <related-links> element plays a crucial role in improving the connectivity of DITA content. It is often employed in the following scenarios:

  • Linking to related topics within the same documentation set, providing readers with contextually relevant information.
  • Adding references to external resources such as websites, documents, or online help, allowing readers to access supplementary materials.
  • Enhancing the user experience by creating a network of interconnected content, facilitating navigation and knowledge discovery.


Here’s an example of how the <related-links> element can be utilized in DITA content:

<topic id="user-guide">
  <title>User Guide</title>
    <p>This user guide provides instructions for using our software product.</p>
      <link href="troubleshooting.dita" format="dita">Troubleshooting Guide</link>
      <link href="support.html" format="html" type="external">Online Support</link>

In this example, the <related-links> element includes links to a troubleshooting guide (in DITA format) and an online support page (external HTML), offering users easy access to relevant resources.