<li>: How do you use the <li> element to represent list items within unordered and ordered lists in DITA?

The <li> element is used in DITA XML to represent list items within both unordered (bulleted) and ordered (numbered) lists. Understanding how to use this element is essential for creating well-structured and organized content in DITA topics.

Usage in Unordered Lists

Within unordered lists, the <li> element is used to create individual list items. Unordered lists are typically used when the sequence of items is not important, and the items are presented with bullet points.

Usage in Ordered Lists

In ordered lists, the <li> element is used similarly to unordered lists, but the items are presented with numerical or alphabetical order. Ordered lists are employed when the sequence of items is crucial, and they need to be followed in a specific order.


Here’s an example of how the <li> element is used to represent list items within both unordered and ordered lists:

<topic id="list_items_example">
  <title>Sample List Items</title>
    <p>Here are some fruits:

<ul> <li>Apples</li> <li>Oranges</li> <li>Bananas</li> </ul> <p>Here are some steps to follow:

<ol> <li>Open the application.</li> <li>Sign in with your credentials.</li> <li>Complete the onboarding process.</li> </ol> </body>

In this example, the <li> element is used to create list items in both an unordered list of fruits and an ordered list of steps to follow. This demonstrates how the element is employed in different list types within DITA content.