How is version control applied to shared content components in DITA automotive documentation?

Version control is a critical aspect of managing shared content components in DITA-based automotive documentation. It ensures that content remains consistent and up-to-date across various documents and vehicle models. DITA XML provides mechanisms for version control, allowing organizations to track changes, revisions, and updates to shared content.

Version Attribute

The version attribute is commonly used in DITA to specify the version of a topic or content component. It allows authors to indicate the version number of a particular piece of content. This is especially useful when dealing with shared content components that may evolve over time. By assigning version numbers, authors can easily identify the latest version of a content component.

Content Reuse with Versioning

When reusing content components across multiple documents or vehicle models, it’s essential to reference the correct version to maintain consistency. DITA enables authors to reference specific versions of shared content. For example, if a user manual for a particular vehicle model refers to an engine specification, it can specify the version of the engine specification content to ensure that the information aligns with the correct version of the engine.


Here’s an example of how version control is applied to shared content in DITA:

<topic id="engine_specification">
  <title>Engine Specification</title>
    <p>This is the specification of our engine version 2.1.</p>

In this example, the topic “engine_specification” is assigned version 2.1, indicating that it represents the specifications for engine version 2.1. When referencing this topic in documents or manuals, authors can specify version 2.1 to ensure that the correct engine specifications are included.