How is training content customized for different roles (e.g., authors, developers)?

Customizing training content for different roles, such as authors and developers, is essential in DITA XML to cater to their specific needs and objectives.

Role-Based Learning Paths

One effective approach is to design role-based learning paths using DITA. This allows organizations to create distinct content structures tailored to the unique requirements of authors and developers. For instance, authors might focus on content creation and structuring, while developers may require in-depth technical information. By using DITA maps, organizations can ensure that each role receives the most relevant content in a structured manner.

Conditional Text

DITA XML also enables the use of conditional text, which is a powerful way to customize content for different roles within a single document. Through conditional processing attributes, content can be selectively included or excluded based on conditions. For example, specific sections of a document can be marked for authors or developers, and during processing, DITA tools can generate content versions tailored to the respective roles.


Here’s an example of how DITA XML can be used to provide role-specific content:

<topic id="getting-started">
  <title>Getting Started</title>
    <section conref="authors/introduction.dita" audience="authors" />
    <section conref="developers/introduction.dita" audience="developers" />

In this example, a DITA topic “Getting Started” includes conditional sections based on the audience attribute. When processing content, the DITA processor will include the appropriate section for the specified audience, ensuring that authors and developers receive content tailored to their roles.