How is table content localized in multilingual DITA documentation?

Localizing table content in multilingual DITA documentation involves adapting the table’s text, labels, and captions to different languages while maintaining the structure and formatting of the table.

Localizing Multilingual DITA Tables

Localizing multilingual DITA tables involves maintaining separate language files, using translatable text elements, and using language-specifying attributes and variables.

Separate Language Files

To localize table content, separate DITA topic files are typically created for each language or locale. Each file contains the translated or localized content for the table.

Use Translatable Text Elements

Within the DITA topics for different languages, the text within the table is replaced with appropriate translations. Standard translatable text elements like <ph> (for placeholder text) and <tm> (for translatable text) are often used. These elements contain the original text and its translation.

Attributes and Variables

Some DITA attributes and variables can be used to define text and language-specific content. These can be referenced in the DITA table and linked to the corresponding values for each language.


A DITA table is written in English and needs to be localized into French. A separate DITA topic is created for the French version, and the English content is replaced with French translations.

    <title>Product Comparison</title>
    <tgroup cols="3">
      <colspec colname="col1"/>
      <colspec colname="col2"/>
      <colspec colname="col3"/>
          <entry>Product A</entry>
          <entry>Product B</entry>
    <title>Comparaison des Produits</title>
    <tgroup cols="3">
      <colspec colname="col1"/>
      <colspec colname="col2"/>
      <colspec colname="col3"/>
          <entry>Produit A</entry>
          <entry>Produit B</entry>
          <entry>199 €</entry>
          <entry>249 €</entry>

In this example, the English and French versions of the table share the same structure and formatting, but the text and labels have been localized for the French audience.