How is metadata used for localization of DITA content?

Metadata is used for localization in DITA content to adapt and translate content for different regions, languages, or cultures. It provides essential information to ensure that the content is presented in the appropriate language and cultural context for the target audience.

Metadata is used for localization through language specification, locale information, translation requirements, localization workflow management, and content variants.

Language Specification:

Metadata elements can specify the language in which the content is originally authored and intended to be translated. This language information helps localization teams identify the source language of the content.

Locale Information:

Locale-specific metadata can define the target region or cultural preferences for the localized content. It includes details such as date formats, currency symbols, measurement units, and other cultural variations that affect content presentation.

Translation Requirements:

Metadata can include instructions or flags that indicate whether specific content elements need translation or should remain in the source language. It helps localization teams prioritize translation efforts.

Localization Workflow:

Metadata may contain information about the localization workflow, such as the status of translation, review, and approval processes. This helps in tracking the progress of localization tasks.

Content Variants:

Metadata can manage variants of content for different regions or language-specific versions. Variants may include region-specific examples, legal disclaimers, or cultural references.


            <!-- Language Specification -->
            <!-- Locale Information -->
            <!-- Translation Requirements -->
                <translateinstructions>Translate all content except code snippets.</translateinstructions>
            <!-- Localization Workflow -->
            <!-- Content Variants -->
                    <para>German-specific information here.</para>