How is localization of product names and branding handled in DITA content?

Handling the localization of product names and branding in DITA content is a critical aspect of making technical documentation resonate with a global audience. It involves adapting names, logos, and branding elements to ensure they align with the culture, language, and preferences of the target market. Here are three key considerations for handling product name and branding localization in DITA:

Consistency and Identity

While translating product names and branding elements, it’s essential to maintain brand consistency and identity. The translated names and logos should reflect the same visual and messaging attributes as the original. This consistency helps in building and preserving brand recognition and trust across different markets.

Cultural Sensitivity

Localization goes beyond translation; it involves being culturally sensitive. Names or phrases that may be perfectly acceptable in one language could have unintended or even offensive meanings in another. Localization experts are responsible for assessing the cultural context of product names and branding and making necessary adjustments to avoid cultural insensitivity.


Here’s an example of how product name and branding localization can be approached in DITA:

<product id="acme-product">
  <name>Acme CloudMaster</name>

In this example, the DITA content includes a product name, “Acme CloudMaster,” and a logo, “acme-logo.png.” During localization, the product name might be adjusted to suit the linguistic and cultural preferences of the target market, while the logo could be replaced with a culturally relevant symbol or image that aligns with the brand’s identity in that market.