How is data visualization (e.g., vessel tracking maps, weather charts) implemented in maritime documentation using DITA?

Integrating data visualization, such as vessel tracking maps and weather charts, into maritime documentation using DITA enhances the comprehensibility and usability of the documentation for maritime professionals. Visual aids are invaluable in conveying complex information and are crucial for safe and efficient maritime operations.

Image Embedding

DITA supports the integration of images and graphics directly into documentation. You can embed vessel tracking maps or weather charts as images within DITA topics. Here is a simplified DITA XML example of image embedding:

<topic id="vessel_tracking">
  <title>Vessel Tracking Map</title>
  <content>This map displays real-time vessel positions.</content>
  <image href="vessel_tracking_map.png" alt="Vessel Tracking Map" />

In this example, the <image> element references an image file, “vessel_tracking_map.png,” and provides an alternative text description for accessibility.

Interactive Widgets

To create more interactive and dynamic data visualizations, you can use DITA to embed custom widgets or web-based components. For instance, you can include a live weather chart that fetches real-time weather data from external sources. This allows users to interact with and customize the chart based on their needs.

<topic id="weather_chart">
  <title>Live Weather Chart</title>
  <content>This interactive chart provides real-time weather information.</content>
  <widget type="weather-chart" src="weather_widget.html" />

In this example, the <widget> element references an external HTML file, “weather_widget.html,” that contains the interactive weather chart.

By leveraging DITA’s capabilities, maritime documentation can incorporate data visualization elements seamlessly, ensuring that vital information is presented in a visually engaging and informative manner.