How is data visualization (e.g., charts, graphs) implemented in government documentation using DITA?

Data visualization, such as charts and graphs, is a powerful way to convey complex information in government documentation using DITA. Visual representations make it easier for readers to understand data trends and patterns. Implementing data visualization in DITA involves embedding images or references to images within the XML structure.

Image Embedding

In DITA, you can embed images directly into the content by specifying the image file path and providing alt text for accessibility. For instance, to include a chart in your documentation, you would use the <image> element:

  <title>Quarterly Revenue Chart</title>
  <image href="charts/quarterly_revenue.png" alt="Quarterly Revenue Chart" />
  <desc>This chart shows the quarterly revenue trends for the current fiscal year.</desc>

In this example, an image representing a revenue chart is embedded in the DITA topic.

Image References

You can also reference external images hosted elsewhere and include them in your documentation using the <image> element. This approach allows you to centralize images and update them independently while still referencing them in your DITA content.

  <title>Quarterly Revenue Chart</title>
  <image href="" alt="Quarterly Revenue Chart" />
  <desc>This chart shows the quarterly revenue trends for the current fiscal year.</desc>

In this example, the image is hosted externally, and its URL is referenced within the DITA topic.