How is data visualization (e.g., charts, graphs) implemented in aerospace documentation using DITA?

In aerospace documentation created with DITA, data visualization, such as charts and graphs, plays a crucial role in presenting complex information in a clear and concise manner. DITA supports various mechanisms to implement data visualization seamlessly. Here are the key methods:

1. Embedded Images: DITA allows you to include images directly within your documentation, which can be charts or graphs created using external tools. You can use the following code to embed an image in DITA:

<!-- Example: Embedding an image in DITA -->
  <image href="chart.jpg" format="jpg"/>
  <title>Flight Data Chart</title>
  <desc>A chart displaying flight data over time.</desc>

2. Reference to External Graphics: You can create references to external graphic files, which may contain charts or graphs. DITA makes it easy to link to these external assets. The following code illustrates referencing an external image file:

<!-- Example: Referencing an external graphic in DITA -->
<image href="charts/flight_chart.png" format="png">
  <title>Flight Data Chart</title>
  <desc>A chart showing flight statistics.</desc>

3. DITA-OT Customization: DITA Open Toolkit (DITA-OT) provides flexibility to customize how data visualizations are presented in the output. This includes the ability to define how charts and graphs are rendered in various output formats, such as PDF or HTML. Below is an example of DITA-OT customization for data visualization:

<!-- Example: DITA-OT customization for data visualization -->
<plugin id="org.example.graphic">
  <feature extension="pdf2">
    <graphic resource-prefix="charts/"/>
  <feature extension="html">
    <graphic resource-prefix="images/"/>

By using these methods, aerospace documentation creators can effectively integrate charts, graphs, and other visual aids into DITA content, enhancing the clarity and comprehensibility of technical data.