How does DITA compliance align with government documentation standards (e.g., accessibility standards, records management)?

DITA compliance aligns with government documentation standards in several ways, including accessibility standards and records management requirements. Let’s explore how DITA supports government documentation standards:

Accessibility Standards

DITA allows government agencies to meet accessibility standards by providing a structured and semantic way to create documents. Content authored in DITA can be tagged with accessibility information, ensuring that documents are compliant with WCAG and other accessibility guidelines. Metadata in DITA topics can specify accessibility features, making it easier to produce content that can be read by assistive technologies, thereby improving access for all citizens.

Records Management

Government agencies are often subject to strict records management regulations. DITA facilitates records management by allowing content to be tagged with metadata, including retention schedules and security classifications. This ensures that documents are retained and disposed of according to government guidelines, improving transparency and compliance. By embedding records management information within DITA content, agencies can effectively manage their documentation throughout its lifecycle.


Here’s an example of how DITA aligns with government documentation standards:

<topic id="accessibility_guidelines">
  <title>Accessibility Guidelines</title>
  <accessibility-level>Level AA</accessibility-level>
  <retention-schedule>5 years</retention-schedule>

In this example, a DITA topic provides information about accessibility guidelines, security classification, and a retention schedule. This metadata helps ensure compliance with government documentation standards related to accessibility and records management.