How do you structure content in a concept topic?

Structuring content within a concept topic in DITA is essential to provide clear and organized information that helps readers understand the underlying concepts. Concept topics are typically used to explain the fundamental ideas, principles, or background information related to a specific subject. Here’s how you can structure content in a concept topic:


Begin your concept topic with a clear and concise introduction that outlines the main concept you are addressing. Use the <title> element to provide a descriptive title for the concept. This title should capture the essence of the concept and set the stage for what the reader can expect to learn.

Body Content

The body of the concept topic is where you provide detailed information about the concept. Use <p> elements to create paragraphs that explain and elaborate on the concept. You can use other DITA elements like <ul> (unordered list) or <ol> (ordered list) to present key points or examples related to the concept. It’s important to maintain a logical flow and ensure that the content is easy to follow.


Here’s an example of how to structure content within a DITA concept topic:

<topic id="concept_example">
  <title>Understanding Cloud Computing</title>
    <p>Cloud computing is a paradigm that allows organizations to access and use computing resources over the internet. It offers various benefits, including scalability, cost-efficiency, and flexibility.</p>
      <li>Scalability: Cloud resources can be easily scaled up or down to meet changing demands.</li>
      <li>Cost-Efficiency: Pay-as-you-go pricing models help reduce upfront infrastructure costs.</li>
      <li>Flexibility: Cloud services provide a wide range of options for different business needs.</li>

In this example, the concept topic “Understanding Cloud Computing” is structured with an introduction followed by body content that explains key aspects of the concept, including its definition and advantages.