How do you define values for conditional attributes in DITA topics?

Values for conditional attributes in DITA topics are defined using the attribute name, an equal sign, and the desired value within double quotation marks, allowing authors to tag content for conditional processing.

Defining Conditional Attribute Values

In DITA topics, authors define values for conditional attributes using a specific syntax. These aspects include syntax, placement, and multiple conditions.


To define a value for a conditional attribute, authors enter the attribute name, followed by an equal sign, and enclose the desired value in double quotation marks. For example, props="print" assigns the value “print” to the @props attribute, indicating that the content is intended for print output.


Conditional attribute values are typically applied within the opening tag of the XML element authors want to conditionally process. These values can be placed on various DITA elements, such as paragraphs, sections, or entire topics.

Multiple Conditions

Authors can apply multiple conditions to the same element, separating them with spaces. For example, props="print audience(beginner)" tags content for both print output and a beginner audience.


In a DITA topic about software installation, a troubleshooting section might be tagged with props="online" within the opening <section> tag. This defines that the section is intended for online output. Similarly, a step with advanced configuration instructions could be tagged with audience="expert" props="online" to specify that it’s meant for online output and expert users. This way, content is tagged with conditional values to determine its visibility based on the output or audience criteria.