How do you assess the relevance of index entries to user queries and needs?

Assessing the relevance of index entries to user queries and needs is crucial to ensure that the DITA index is effective. Here’s how to do it:

User Feedback: Gather feedback from users about their experiences with the DITA index. Ask them to rate the relevance of index entries and provide comments on their search experiences.

Usability Testing: Conduct usability testing where users perform specific tasks using the index. Observe their interactions and gather feedback about the relevance of index entries in helping them find information.

Search Query Analysis: Analyze search queries made by users and compare them to the index entries they click on. This reveals which terms or concepts are most relevant to users’ information needs.

Click-Through Rates: Calculate click-through rates for index entries. Higher click-through rates indicate that users find these entries more relevant.

Iterative Improvement: Continuously update the index based on user feedback and relevance assessments. Remove or refine entries that are consistently rated as irrelevant.


You are assessing the relevance of index entries in a DITA-based technical documentation. Users are invited to provide feedback, and you conduct usability testing where users are asked to complete tasks using the index. You also analyze search queries and observe that terms like “troubleshooting” and “user preferences” are frequently clicked, indicating their relevance to user needs. You update the index accordingly to enhance its relevance.

<!– Example of assessing relevance of DITA index entries –>

  <title>Technical Documentation Index</title>
    <primary>User Preferences</primary>

In this example, you use user feedback and usability testing to ensure that the index entries are relevant to the user’s needs.