How do construction companies manage variations of content for different projects and building types using DITA?

Construction companies use DITA XML to effectively manage variations of content for different projects and building types. This approach allows them to streamline documentation processes and deliver tailored information to construction teams, ensuring that each project receives the relevant instructions and guidelines.

Modular Content

In DITA, content is organized into reusable modules. Construction companies can create modular content that covers various aspects of construction, such as project planning, safety procedures, and building types. Each module can be tagged with conditions to specify when it should be included or excluded from the documentation.


Here’s an example of modular content in DITA:

<topic id="safety_procedures">
  <title>Safety Procedures</title>
    <p>This is a general safety procedure for construction projects.</p>
    <!-- Conditional content for building types -->
    <ph outputclass="residential">For residential buildings, follow these additional steps: ...</ph>
    <ph outputclass="commercial">For commercial buildings, follow these additional steps: ...</ph>

In this example, the safety procedure topic includes conditional content for different building types, allowing construction companies to customize safety instructions based on the project type.

Targeted Documentation

When generating documentation for a specific project or building type, DITA’s conditional filtering capabilities are applied. This ensures that only the relevant content modules are included in the final document. Construction teams receive documentation tailored to their specific project requirements, improving efficiency and safety on construction sites.