How are visual documentation quality and accessibility improved with DITA in maritime?

Improving the quality and accessibility of visual documentation in maritime is a critical goal, and DITA XML offers several advantages in achieving this objective.

Structured Authoring

DITA enforces structured authoring practices, ensuring that content creators adhere to predefined guidelines and templates. This structured approach improves the overall quality of visual documentation by maintaining consistency in formatting, terminology, and style. For example:

<topic id="safety_guidelines" format="dita">
  <title>Safety Guidelines</title>
      <title>Fire Safety</title>
      <p>Text and visual content about fire safety...</p>
      <title>Emergency Evacuation</title>
      <p>Text and visual content about emergency evacuation procedures...</p>

This structured approach ensures that safety guidelines and procedures are consistently documented, making the content more accessible and comprehensible for maritime personnel.

Adaptive Content

DITA also enables the creation of adaptive content, where the same information can be presented differently based on the user’s needs. For instance, visual documentation can be customized for different audiences, such as ship crew, maintenance personnel, or regulatory authorities. This adaptability improves accessibility as users can access content tailored to their specific requirements.

Accessibility Features

DITA supports accessibility features such as alternative text for images, semantic markup for content structure, and navigation aids like tables of contents. These features enhance the accessibility of visual documentation, making it more inclusive for individuals with disabilities, in compliance with accessibility standards.