How are stylesheets customized for branding in DITA publishing?

Customizing stylesheets for branding in DITA publishing involves tailoring the appearance of published content to match an organization’s unique branding elements. This customization is achieved through the creation or modification of cascading style sheets (CSS) and can include changes to fonts, colors, layout, and other visual attributes.

Customizing Stylesheets for Branding:

Definition: Customizing stylesheets in DITA publishing means adapting the default formatting rules to reflect an organization’s branding requirements. This typically involves adjusting fonts, colors, and layout elements to align the published content with the organization’s visual identity.

Importance: Branding customization ensures that all published materials, such as user manuals, help documentation, and web content, carry a consistent and recognizable look and feel. This consistency reinforces brand identity and helps create a professional and cohesive user experience.

Customization Elements:

The key elements that can be customized in stylesheets for branding include fonts and typography, colors, layout, images and graphics, and lists and bullets.

Fonts and typography: Selecting fonts that match the brand’s guidelines.

Colors: Applying the organization’s color palette to text, backgrounds, and highlights.

Layout: Adjusting margins, spacing, and alignment to create a branded page structure.

Images and graphics: Customizing logos, icons, or other visual elements.

Lists and bullets: Tailoring bullet styles or numbering formats.


A software company uses DITA for its product documentation. The company has established brand guidelines with specific fonts and colors that must be reflected in the documentation.

Fonts: The default stylesheet is modified to use the organization’s approved fonts for both body text and headings. For example, the stylesheet specifies the use of “Helvetica Neue” for body text and “Roboto Slab” for headings.

Colors: Brand-specific colors are applied throughout the stylesheet. This includes using the company’s primary color (#0072C6) for headings, links, and other elements.

Layout: Margins and padding are adjusted to create consistent spacing, and page dimensions are set to match the company’s preferred document size.

Images: The organization’s logo is incorporated into the stylesheet to be automatically included at the beginning of each document.

Lists: Bullet styles are customized to match the brand’s unique bullet icon, ensuring that lists adhere to branding guidelines.

By customizing the stylesheet in this manner, all documentation produced with DITA maintains the company’s branding while delivering a professional and unified appearance across various materials.