How are primary entries typically formatted in a DITA index?

Understanding how to format primary entries in a DITA index is essential for creating a well-organized and user-friendly index.

Formatting Primary Entries

Primary entries in a DITA index are typically formatted as top-level headings or terms that represent significant concepts or topics in your documentation. These entries serve as the main access points for users searching for specific information. To format primary entries, you should use a consistent and clear style that distinguishes them from subentries. Common formatting conventions for primary entries include:

  • Using bold or larger font size to make them visually distinct.
  • Capitalizing the first letter of each word for improved readability.
  • Arranging them alphabetically to facilitate quick reference.

Here’s an example in DITA XML format illustrating the formatting of primary entries in an index:

  <entry term="Installation" loc="ch01_installation.html" />
  <entry term="Configuration" loc="ch02_configuration.html" />
  <entry term="Usage" loc="ch03_usage.html" />

In this example, “Installation,” “Configuration,” and “Usage” are primary entries, formatted with a consistent style that helps users easily identify and access these key topics in the documentation.