How are numbered (ordered) lists represented in DITA?

In DITA, numbered or ordered lists can be created to present information in a sequential format. These lists are structured using specific DITA elements to ensure consistency and clarity in the content.

These lists are represented using the <ol> (ordered list) element. The <ol> element contains a series of list items, each represented by the <li> (list item) element. The <li> element contains the actual list content.

The structure of an ordered list in DITA is:

<ol> (Ordered List)
    <li> (List Item)
        List content goes here.
    </li> (End of List Item)
    <li> (List Item)
        More list content.
    </li> (End of List Item)
</ol> (End of Ordered List)


This is a sample of how an ordered list might appear in DITA.

    <li>This is the first item in an ordered list.</li>
    <li>Here is the second item.</li>
    <li>And this is the third item.</li>

In this example, we have an <ol> element that contains three list items represented by <li>. This forms a simple ordered list.