How are filtering conditions documented and managed in DITA workflows?

Filtering conditions in DITA workflows are documented and managed systematically to ensure the accurate customization of content. This involves creating a central repository for filtering conditions, using specialized markup and metadata, and applying version control to track changes and updates.

Central Repository: Effective management of filtering conditions begins with establishing a central repository or database where all filtering attributes, expressions, and criteria are documented. This repository can be a dedicated database or part of a content management system (CMS). It serves as a reference point for all filtering-related information.

Specialized Markup: In DITA, filtering conditions can be documented within the content using specialized markup or metadata. This markup typically includes attributes like “audience,” “product,” or “platform.” Each attribute defines the criteria for inclusion or exclusion, such as specific audience segments or targeted platforms. The documentation should clearly specify the purpose and usage of these attributes.

Version Control: To manage filtering conditions effectively, version control systems (VCS) like Git are often used. Filtering condition documents, which can be XML files, are placed under version control. This allows for tracking changes, reviewing revisions, and ensuring that filtering conditions align with the content’s evolution.


A DITA documentation project for software applications with different versions and editions documents filtering conditions in a central XML file named “filtering_conditions.xml,” which is maintained in a Git repository.

<!-- Filtering Conditions for DITA Documentation -->
  <!-- Edition Attribute -->
  <attribute name="edition">
    <!-- Accepted Edition Values -->
    <!-- Usage Instructions -->
      The "edition" attribute specifies the edition of the software.

  <!-- Version Attribute -->
  <attribute name="version">
    <!-- Accepted Version Values -->
    <!-- Usage Instructions -->
      The "version" attribute specifies the software version.

In this example:

The XML file “filtering_conditions.xml” serves as the central repository for filtering conditions in a DITA documentation project. It includes two filtering attributes, “edition” and “version,” with clearly defined accepted values and usage instructions. These attributes are used to tailor content to different software editions and versions. When new editions or versions of the software are released, this XML file is updated within a Git repository. The use of Git allows for tracking changes and ensuring that filtering conditions remain accurate and up-to-date in the DITA workflow.