How are educational DITA specializations documented and communicated within educational organizations?

Documentation and communication of educational DITA specializations within educational organizations are essential for ensuring the effective development and use of specialized content. This process typically involves the creation of comprehensive documentation that explains the specific DITA specializations used and how they align with educational objectives and standards.

Creating Specialization Documentation

Educational organizations document DITA specializations by providing detailed information about the purpose, structure, and usage of these specializations. This documentation typically includes:

  • An overview of the educational content model and structure.
  • Guidelines on how to create, organize, and manage educational content using DITA.
  • Best practices for adhering to educational technology standards like LTI and Common Cartridge.

Internal Communication

Once the documentation is prepared, educational organizations communicate this information internally to various stakeholders, including instructional designers, content creators, and developers. This ensures that everyone involved in the content creation process understands the specialized DITA framework being used.


Here’s an example of internal communication regarding the use of DITA specializations:

  <title>Using Educational DITA Specializations</title>
  <description>This document outlines the specialized DITA framework for educational content.</description>
  <target-audience>Content Creators, Instructional Designers</target-audience>
    <paragraph>Dear team,</paragraph>
    <paragraph>We are implementing educational DITA specializations for our new e-learning materials. This documentation provides guidance on how to structure and create content using these specializations.</paragraph>
    <paragraph>Please refer to the attached DITA specialization guide for detailed instructions.</paragraph>
    <paragraph>Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further clarification.</paragraph>
    <paragraph>Best regards,</paragraph>
    <signature>Your Name</signature>

In this example, an internal communication document is used to inform the content creation team about the use of educational DITA specializations, providing an attached guide for their reference.