How are data visualization elements linked to underlying vessel data sources in DITA maritime documentation?

Data visualization elements in DITA maritime documentation are linked to underlying vessel data sources through a structured and configurable approach. This linkage allows for dynamic and real-time visualization of maritime data, enhancing decision-making processes.

Data Source References

In DITA, data visualization elements typically reference specific data sources using attributes or elements. For example, XML or JSON files containing vessel performance data, route information, or weather conditions can be linked to visualization elements. This linking is achieved through attributes like “data-source” or elements like “data-xml” or “data-json.”

<topic id="vessel_performance">
  <title>Vessel Performance Analysis</title>
  <content>Analyze and visualize vessel performance data.</content>
  <chart type="line-chart" data-source="performance_data.xml" />
  <chart type="bar-chart" data-source="weather_data.json" />

In this example, data sources are linked to visualization charts using the “data-source” attribute. The “performance_data.xml” file contains vessel performance data, while “weather_data.json” contains weather-related data.

Dynamic Data Rendering

When DITA documentation is rendered, the visualization elements fetch data from the linked sources and dynamically generate charts, graphs, maps, or other visual representations. This ensures that the visualizations are up-to-date and accurately reflect the underlying vessel data.

<topic id="route_optimization">
  <title>Route Optimization</title>
  <content>Optimize vessel routes based on historical data.</content>
  <chart type="map" data-source="route_data.xml" />

In this case, the “route_data.xml” file is linked to a map chart that provides route optimization information based on historical data when the documentation is rendered.

Overall, DITA maritime documentation leverages structured references to data sources, allowing data visualization elements to dynamically present the latest vessel data, which is essential for informed decision-making in the maritime industry.