How are data visualization elements linked to underlying data sources in DITA aerospace documentation?

Data visualization elements in DITA aerospace documentation are linked to underlying data sources through a structured process that allows for the seamless integration of data and its dynamic representation in charts, graphs, and other visualizations. This linkage involves several key steps that ensure the accuracy and consistency of data in aerospace documentation.

First, the data is typically structured in a structured format like XML. This structured data format allows for the organization and storage of complex aerospace data, such as flight data, performance metrics, or maintenance records. Here’s an example of how XML data might be structured:

<!-- Example: Structured XML data for aerospace performance metrics -->

Once the data is structured, it can be linked to data visualization elements within DITA documentation. This linkage is achieved through DITA-OT extensions or customizations that allow the data to be transformed into dynamic visualizations. For instance, flight data can be linked to a chart that displays altitude changes over time, providing a visual representation of the aircraft’s flight path. This dynamic link ensures that the visualization is always up to date with the underlying data source, maintaining accuracy and consistency.