How are content recommendations and related topics implemented in educational documentation portals with DITA?

In educational documentation portals powered by DITA XML, content recommendations and related topics are implemented to enhance the learning experience and provide users with valuable insights into relevant materials. Here’s how these features are typically realized:

Content Recommendations

Content recommendations are designed to suggest additional materials, courses, or resources that align with a user’s current educational interests or activities. These recommendations are generated by analyzing user behavior, such as the courses they’ve enrolled in, the materials they’ve accessed, and their interactions with the platform. Metadata and tags associated with educational content are instrumental in making these recommendations. For instance, if a student is viewing a physics textbook, the system can use metadata to recommend related content, such as video lectures or supplementary reading materials on the same topic.

Related Topics

Related topics offer users a way to explore content that complements their current focus. By utilizing metadata and taxonomies, educational platforms can establish relationships between different pieces of content. For instance, when a user is reading about “Newton’s Laws of Motion,” metadata and taxonomies can identify other relevant topics like “Force,” “Inertia,” or “Kinematics.” This encourages users to delve deeper into the subject matter, fostering a more comprehensive understanding.


Here’s an example in DITA XML that illustrates how content recommendations and related topics can be implemented:

<topic id="newtons_laws">
  <title>Newton's Laws of Motion</title>
    <related-topics>Force, Inertia, Kinematics</related-topics>

In this example, the “Newton’s Laws of Motion” topic includes metadata specifying the subject and related topics. This metadata can be used by the platform to provide content recommendations and suggest related topics to users, enhancing their learning journey.