How are conflicts and revisions resolved when multiple authors edit DITA maps?

Conflicts and revisions when multiple authors edit DITA maps are resolved through version control systems and collaborative authoring practices, ensuring that changes are managed, reviewed, and integrated without compromising content integrity.

Resolving conflicts and revisions in DITA maps with multiple authors requires a structured approach. This involves version control systems, review and approval, conflict resolution, and clear communication.

Version Control Systems

Version control systems (VCS) like Git play a pivotal role in managing changes. Each author works in their own branch, separate from the main DITA map. When they are ready to integrate their changes, they create a merge request or pull request, which includes a summary of what they’ve changed.

Review and Approval

Before merging, changes are reviewed and approved by other team members. This review process helps ensure that the changes align with the organization’s standards and don’t conflict with other authors’ work.

Conflict Resolution

In cases where multiple authors make changes to the same section of a DITA map, conflicts can arise. Version control systems highlight these conflicts, and authors must manually resolve them. This typically involves discussion and collaboration to decide which changes should be retained.

Clear Communication

Effective communication is essential. Authors should communicate their plans and the scope of their changes to prevent conflicts. If conflicts do arise, open and clear communication can help in reaching resolutions.


In a software documentation project, two authors are working on a DITA map simultaneously. Author A is updating installation instructions, while Author B is revising troubleshooting topics. Both authors commit their changes to their respective branches in the version control system. When they try to merge their changes into the main map, a conflict arises because they both made changes to a common introduction section. The version control system highlights the conflict, and the authors are notified. They communicate and decide that Author A’s changes should take precedence. After resolving the conflict, they update the DITA map, ensuring that both sets of changes are integrated without compromising content integrity. The review and approval process ensures that the final DITA map is accurate and consistent.