How are concept topics structured in DITA?

Concept topics in DITA are structured to explain underlying principles, theories, or concepts related to a specific subject matter. They are designed to help readers understand the “why” and “what” behind certain processes, features, or ideas. Concept topics provide context and background information, making it easier for users to grasp the subject matter being discussed.

The structure of concept topics in DITA typically includes, but is not limited to, the <concept>, <title>, <conbody>, and <p> elements.

<concept> Element: This element is the top-level definition of the concept topic. It encapsulates the entire concept explanation.

<title> Element: This element specifies the title or heading of the concept topic. This title should succinctly describe the concept being discussed.

<conbody> Element: This element is the container for the main content of the concept topic. It houses the detailed explanation of the concept.

<p> Element: This element represents paragraphs of text within the concept topic. These paragraphs provide the narrative explanation of the concept.

Here is an example of how a concept topic is structured in DITA:

            <title>Data Encryption</title>
                <p>Data encryption is a process of converting plain text into ciphertext to secure sensitive information.</p>
                <p>It helps protect data from unauthorized access and ensures confidentiality.</p>

In this example:

<concept> encapsulates the entire concept topic about “Data Encryption.”

<title> specifies the title of the concept.

<conbody> contains the main content of the concept, which consists of two <p> elements that provide an explanation of data encryption and its importance.