How are changes tracked and documented for audit purposes in educational documentation projects using DITA?

Tracking and documenting changes in educational documentation projects using DITA is essential for audit purposes, quality control, and maintaining content accuracy. DITA provides effective mechanisms for documenting and preserving the history of content revisions.

Version Control

DITA’s version control feature is a cornerstone for tracking changes. Each DITA topic can include version information, indicating the current version of the content. When changes are made, the version number is updated, and a record of the previous version is maintained. This history of versions allows audit teams to trace the evolution of the content over time.

Metadata for Revision History

DITA topics can also include metadata elements that capture information about the revision history. For instance, the <last-reviewed> element can specify the date when the content was last reviewed, and the <reviewed-by> element can identify the reviewer. This metadata provides valuable context for auditors, allowing them to see who reviewed the content and when.


Here’s an example of how DITA tracks changes and documents revision history:

<topic id="math_lesson_1">
  <title>Math Lesson 1</title>
  <reviewed-by>Educator: Dr. Sarah Turner, Designer: Michael Clark</reviewed-by>
    <change>Updated content to align with new curriculum standards.</change>
    <change>Revised exercises for improved clarity.</change>

In this example, a DITA topic includes version information, the last review date, the names of the educators and designers who reviewed the content, and a record of proposed changes. This comprehensive documentation ensures that all changes are recorded and accessible for audit purposes.