<conbody>: How do you use the <conbody> element to structure the main content of a DITA concept topic, including definitions, examples, and explanations?

The <conbody> element in DITA XML is used to structure the main content of a DITA concept topic, which typically includes definitions, examples, and explanations. It plays a crucial role in presenting information in a clear and organized manner.


Within a <conbody>, you can use the <definition> element to provide clear and concise definitions of key terms or concepts. These definitions help readers understand the subject matter more effectively. Here’s an example:

  <definition id="term1">
    <term>Term 1</term>
    <defined>Definition of Term 1.</defined>

In this example, we define “Term 1” within a <definition> element, making it easier for readers to grasp its meaning.


Use the <example> element within a <conbody> to provide practical examples that illustrate the concept you’re explaining. Examples help readers apply the information in real-world scenarios. Here’s an example of using the <example> element:

    <title>Example Title</title>
      <p>This is an example illustrating a concept.</p>

In this instance, we create an example with a title and a body that explains the concept in a practical context.


The <conbody> element is also where you provide detailed explanations of the concept or topic. You can use plain text or other DITA elements like <p> for paragraphs, <ul> for lists, and <note> for additional information.