Can you provide examples of successful DITA indexing implementations in the Technology and Software industry?

Successful DITA indexing implementations are found across various industries where structured content plays a vital role in information organization. Let’s explore some industry-specific examples:

Technology and Software: In the technology sector, companies employ DITA indexing for software documentation. Examples include detailed indexing of programming languages, code libraries, and software functions. Specific code elements are indexed to help developers quickly access relevant information.


In a software company’s DITA project, specialized indexing focuses on software documentation, including detailed indexing of programming languages (e.g., Python, JavaScript), code libraries, and software functions. Specific code elements are indexed to facilitate quick access to relevant content for software developers.

<!– Example of DITA indexing for software documentation –>

  <title>Software Documentation Index</title>
    <primary>Programming Languages</primary>
    <primary>Code Libraries</primary>
    <primary>Software Functions</primary>

This example showcases how DITA indexing helps software developers quickly find information related to programming languages, code libraries, and software functions.