Can you add images or links within table cells in DITA?

Table cells in DITA can indeed contain images or links. This capability enables authors to enhance the content of tables by inserting images, hyperlinks, or other multimedia elements directly into cells.

Images in Table Cells: To include an image in a DITA table cell, use the <image> element. The <image> element is used to reference an image file and can be placed within a table cell’s <entry> element.


          <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
            <colspec colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
                <entry>This cell contains an image: <image href="image.jpg" alt="Image Alt Text"/></entry>
                <entry>Another cell with text.</entry>

In this example, the first cell contains an image specified by the <image> element.

Links in Table Cells: Links can also be placed within table cells using the <link> element. The <link> element is used to create hyperlinks to web pages, documents, or other resources.


          <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
            <colspec colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
                <entry>This cell contains a link: <link href="">Visit Example</link></entry>
                <entry>Another cell with text.</entry>

In this example, the first cell contains a link created using the <link> element.

Combining images and links in table cells allows for the creation of interactive and visually rich tables that can provide additional context, resources, or references related to the table’s content.


          <tgroup cols="2">
            <colspec colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
            <colspec colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
                <entry>This cell contains an image: <image href="image.jpg" alt="Image Alt Text"/></entry>
                <entry>This cell contains a link: <link href="">Visit Example</link></entry>

In this example, the first cell includes an image, and the second cell contains a link. This demonstrates how to combine images and links to enrich the content of DITA table cells.