Can user surveys and feedback be leveraged to gauge index effectiveness?

Leveraging user surveys and feedback is a valuable approach to gauge the effectiveness of a DITA index. User input provides insights into how well the index meets their needs. Here’s how it can be done:

User Surveys: Conduct surveys where users can rate the usefulness and relevance of the index. Ask them to provide suggestions for improvements and identify any missing or inaccurate index entries.

Feedback Forms: Include feedback forms within your DITA documentation, allowing users to provide feedback on specific index entries. This provides direct, actionable feedback on individual entries.

Continuous Feedback Loop: Establish a continuous feedback loop to capture ongoing user input. Regularly analyze survey results and feedback to identify trends and areas for improvement.

Iterative Enhancement: Use the feedback gathered to make iterative enhancements to the DITA index. This can involve adding, revising, or removing entries based on user recommendations.


In your technical documentation project, you include a “Rate this Index Entry” feature at the end of each index entry. Users can provide a rating and comments on the relevance of the entry. You also conduct quarterly surveys to gather feedback on the overall index effectiveness. This feedback informs you about areas that need improvement, such as missing entries or inaccuracies in the index.

<!– Example of leveraging user surveys and feedback for index effectiveness –>

  <title>Technical Documentation Index</title>
    <primary>Installation Guide</primary>
    <feedback-comments>Very helpful entry.</feedback-comments>
    <feedback-comments>Could be more detailed.</feedback-comments>
    <primary>User Preferences</primary>
    <feedback-comments>Useful, but some entries are missing.</feedback-comments>

In this example, you capture user feedback within the DITA index and use it to assess and enhance index effectiveness.