Can specialized content be validated during the development process?

Validating Specialized Content During the Development Process: The validation of specialized content is an essential step in DITA specialization development to ensure that the customized elements and attributes adhere to the intended structure and behavior. Here’s an overview of the process:

  • Definition: Content validation involves the systematic verification of custom DITA elements and attributes to ensure they conform to the specified constraints and requirements defined during the specialization development process.
  • Conceptual Overview: Validation is performed through a series of checks and tests that assess the specialized content’s structure, data types, and compliance with the DITA standard. It helps identify any deviations or errors early in the development cycle.
  • In-Depth Explanation: Key aspects of content validation during development are as follows:
    1. Structure Validation: Ensure that the custom elements and attributes are used correctly and do not break the document’s structure. This includes checking nesting, cardinality, and parent-child relationships.
    2. Data Type Validation: Verify that the content of custom attributes matches the expected data types. For example, checking that a custom “price” attribute contains numeric values.
    3. Constraints Validation: Check if any constraints defined in the specialization are met. Constraints can include rules about when and how certain elements or attributes can be used.
    4. Compliance Validation: Ensure that the specialized content adheres to the DITA standard. It should not introduce non-compliant XML structures or violate DITA rules.

HTML Coding Example:

Here’s a simplified HTML coding example that demonstrates a content validation check for a custom DITA element called <custom-product> to ensure it is used within a <product-list> element:

<!-- Content Validation Example -->
  <!-- Correct Usage -->
    <custom-product>Product A</custom-product>
    <custom-product>Product B</custom-product>

  <!-- Incorrect Usage -->
  <custom-product>Product A</custom-product>

In this example, validation ensures that the <custom-product> element is only used within a <product-list>, as specified in the specialization’s rules. This helps maintain content consistency and adherence to the intended structure during development.